

Command-line interface

(Autogenerated) cli help

luci download

Lucifier that can update a template by downloading and replacing it on filesystem.

The dictlet needs to contain a metadata key ‘url’ with a child key ‘default’ and the remote url to download as value. It can also, optionally, contain a child key ‘version’ and a templated string like ‘{{ version }}.yml’ as value. The latter will be used if the ‘–version’ option is specified (as described below).

This lucifier adds a few command-line options to the dictlet-part of the command (not the lucifier part, as is normal – mostly because I like it better that way in this case):

  • target (‘–target’, ‘-t’): a target file
  • replace (‘–replace’, ‘-r’): whether to replace an existing file
  • version (‘–version): whether to download a specific version of the file

By default, this lucifier will print out the content of the remote file. If the ‘–replace’ option is specified, the template itself will be replaced with the remote file. If the ‘–target’ option is specified, the remote file will be downloaded to it’s value instead.

luci download [OPTIONS] DICTLET


-p, --pager

whether to use a pager for display

Metadata requirements
