Source code for luci.lucify

import abc
import copy
import logging

# from collections import OrderedDict
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap

import click
import six

from frutils import dict_merge, get_key_path_value
from frutils.defaults import *
from frutils.frutils_cli import output
from .defaults import *
from .finders import create_dictlet_finder
from .readers import create_dictlet_reader

log = logging.getLogger("lucify")

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Lucifier(object): """Abstract base class for an object that can execute a certain task using the added dictlet(s). Args: name (str): the name/alias of this lucifier init_metadata (dict): (optional) metadata to be used as seed for this lucifiers internal metadata **kwargs (dict): other arguments, most likely those will be ignored """
[docs] @staticmethod def process_default_values(user_vars, vars_metadata): """Removes any keys from a dict where the user didn't specify a value. If this is not done, those keys stay with a 'None' value, which would shadow a 'valid' value that was provided at an earlier stage. Args: user_vars (dict): the user input dictionary vars_metadata (dict): the vars metadata Returns: dict: the cleaned dict """ keys_to_remove = [] for key, value in user_vars.items(): if value is not None: continue default_var_value = vars_metadata.get(key, {}).get( KEY_DEFAULT_VALUE_NAME, None ) if default_var_value is None: keys_to_remove.append(key) log.debug( "Removing keys, as no default specified by user: {}".format(keys_to_remove) ) for key in keys_to_remove: user_vars.pop(key, None) return user_vars
[docs] @staticmethod def get_var_lookup_dict(vars_metadata): """Generates a reverse lookup dictionary out of vars metadata. This enables the mapping of flags like "--help" to the var-name-keys in the vars metadata. Args: vars_metadata (dict): the vars metadata Returns: dict: the lookup dict """ lookup = {} def add_key(var_alias, name): if var_alias.startswith("-"): var_alias = var_alias[1:] # I know, I know if var_alias.startswith("-"): var_alias = var_alias[1:] var_alias = var_alias.replace("-", "_").lower() if var_alias in lookup.keys(): raise Exception( "Alias '{}' used (at least) twice: {}, {}".format( var_alias, lookup[var_alias], name ) ) lookup[var_alias] = name for var_name, md in vars_metadata.items(): if ( KEY_CLI_CLICK_PARAM_NAME in md.get(KEY_CLI_GROUP, {}).get(KEY_CLI_CLICK_OPTIONS_NAME, {}).keys() ): aliases = md[KEY_CLI_GROUP][KEY_CLI_CLICK_OPTIONS_NAME][ KEY_CLI_CLICK_PARAM_NAME ] for a in aliases: add_key(a, var_name) if ( KEY_CLI_CLICK_PARAM_NAME in md.get(KEY_CLI_GROUP, {}).get(KEY_CLI_CLICK_ARGUMENT_NAME, {}).keys() ): alias = md[KEY_CLI_GROUP][KEY_CLI_CLICK_ARGUMENT_NAME][ KEY_CLI_CLICK_PARAM_NAME ] add_key(alias, var_name) if KEY_ALIAS_NAME in md.get(KEY_META_GROUP, {}).keys(): alias = md[KEY_META_GROUP][KEY_ALIAS_NAME] add_key(alias, var_name) return lookup
def __init__(self, name=None, init_metadata=None, **kwargs): = name self.metadata_key = KEY_LUCI_NAME self.metadata = self.get_default_metadata() if init_metadata is not None: self.add_metadata(init_metadata) self.dictlets = CommentedMap()
[docs] def process_dictlet(self, metadata, dictlet_details=None): """The main method implemented by a lucifier, it executes the task it is written for, using the metadata accrued as configuration. Depending on the lucifier, this may return a string, an object, or nothing (and just prints out text to stdout). Args: metadata: the metadata to process dictlet_details: metadata about the dictlet itself Returns: object: the new (processed) metadata """ return metadata
[docs] def get_default_metadata(self): """If a child Lucifier overwrites this method, the returned metadata is used as a base dict (instead of an empty one). This is useful to set things like default readers/finders, or add default cli options to the child dictlet. Returns: dict: (optional) initial metadata for this type of Lucifier """ return CommentedMap()
[docs] def add_metadata(self, metadata): """Add metadata to the currently existing. This merges the new metadata on top of the old ones, so if keys exist in both, the new ones take precedence. Args: metadata (dict): the metadata to add """ dict_merge(self.metadata, metadata, copy_dct=False)
[docs] def get_key_path_value(self, key_path, default_value=None): """Utility method to retrieve a key-path from the (current) metadata of this lucifier. A key-path is a character-delimited (mostly using '.') string ala: key1.child_key.another_key Args: key_path (str): the path to the key we are interested in default_value (object): the default value if the key is not found Returns: object: the value for the key-path """ return get_key_path_value(self.metadata, key_path, default_value=default_value)
[docs] def get_default_reader_config(self): """Returns an object of the default dictlet reader for this lucifier. Returns: dict: the reader object configuration """ if is None: name = ALL_LUCIFIERS_KEY else: name = reader_config = self.get_key_path_value( LUCIFIER_DEFAULT_READER.format(self.metadata_key, name) ) if not reader_config and name != ALL_LUCIFIERS_KEY: name = ALL_LUCIFIERS_KEY reader_config = self.get_key_path_value( LUCIFIER_DEFAULT_READER.format(self.metadata_key, name), default_value={} ) return reader_config
[docs] def get_default_dictlet_finder(self): dictlet_finder_name = self.get_default_finder_config().get("name", None) if dictlet_finder_name: dictlet_finder_config = self.get_default_finder_config().get("config", {}) else: dictlet_finder_name = DEFAULT_FINDER_CONFIG.get("name") dictlet_finder_config = DEFAULT_FINDER_CONFIG.get("config", {}) return create_dictlet_finder(dictlet_finder_name, dictlet_finder_config)
[docs] def get_default_finder_config(self): """Returns an object of the default dictlet finder for this lucifier. Returns: dict: the finder object configuration """ if is None: name = ALL_LUCIFIERS_KEY else: name = finder_config = self.get_key_path_value( LUCIFIER_DEFAULT_FINDER.format(self.metadata_key, name) ) if not finder_config and name != ALL_LUCIFIERS_KEY: name = ALL_LUCIFIERS_KEY finder_config = self.get_key_path_value( LUCIFIER_DEFAULT_FINDER.format(self.metadata_key, name), default_value={} ) return finder_config
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """Returns the current metadata of this lucifier. Returns: dict: the metadata """ return self.metadata
[docs] def print_metadata(self, output_type="raw", safe=True): """Utility method to pretty print (unordered) metadata of this lucifier. Args: output_type (str): how to format the output. Available: 'raw', 'json', 'yaml' safe (bool): whether to allow potentially available 'unsafe' dump methods (e.g. 'yaml.dump' instead of 'yaml.safe_dump') """ output(dict(self.metadata), output_type=output_type, safe=safe)
[docs] def process(self): """Processes all dictlets that were added to this Lucifier, one after the other. """ result = CommentedMap() for dictlet_name, details in self.dictlets.items(): try: p_r = self.process_dictlet(details["metadata"], dictlet_details=details) result[dictlet_name] = p_r except (Exception) as e: click.echo(e) return result
[docs] def get_default_dictlet_reader(self): """Returns the default dictlet reader for this lucifier.""" dictlet_reader_name = self.get_default_reader_config().get("name", None) if dictlet_reader_name: dictlet_reader_config = self.get_default_reader_config().get("config", {}) else: dictlet_reader_name = DEFAULT_READER_CONFIG.get("name") dictlet_reader_config = DEFAULT_READER_CONFIG.get("config", {}) return create_dictlet_reader(dictlet_reader_name, dictlet_reader_config)
[docs] def overlay_dictlet( self, dictlet_name, dictlet_details=None, add_dictlet=True, add_metadata=False, dictlet_reader_name=None, dictlet_reader_config=None, ): """Overlays a dictlet on the current lucifier metadata. If the 'add_metadata' arg is True, the dictlet and it's newly created metadata will be stored in this object. Args: dictlet_name (str): an alias/name for the dictlet dictlet_details (dict): the dictlet details add_dictlet (bool): whether to add the resulted metadata to this lucifiers' 'base'-metadata add_metadata (bool): whether to add the dictlet and it's metadata to the lucifier permanently dictlet_reader_name (str): the dictlet reader to use to extract metadata out of the dictlet dictlet_reader_config (str): the config for the dictlet reader Returns: dict: a copy of the (merged) metadata of this dictlet """ if dictlet_reader_name is None: dictlet_reader = self.get_default_dictlet_reader() else: dictlet_reader = create_dictlet_reader( dictlet_reader_name, dictlet_reader_config ) metadata_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.metadata) current_luci_metadata = metadata_copy.get(KEY_LUCI_NAME, {}) if dictlet_details is None: dictlet_details = self.get_default_dictlet_finder().get_dictlet_details( dictlet_name ) dictlet_metadata = dictlet_reader.read_dictlet( dictlet_details, metadata_copy, current_luci_metadata ) if add_metadata: self.metadata = copy.deepcopy(dictlet_metadata) luci_metadata = dictlet_metadata.pop(KEY_LUCI_NAME, {}) if add_dictlet: dictlet_details["metadata"] = dictlet_metadata dictlet_details["luci_metadata"] = luci_metadata self.dictlets[dictlet_name] = dictlet_details return copy.deepcopy(dictlet_metadata) else: return dictlet_metadata